Purchase Manager™ is The Smarter Purchasing Solution™

SureCost Purchase Manager is the smarter pharmacy purchasing software solution. Purchase Manager helps your pharmacy maintain a competitive edge with access to all of your primary vendor, secondary vendors, manufacturers, GPO and buying group pricing in one solution. Say goodbye to costly purchasing mistakes due to human error thanks to invoice reconciliation and customized purchasing recommendations tailored to your purchasing strategy. Plus, track and monitor compliance with your contract agreements to maximize rebates. 
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SureCost Purchase Manager Compliance InsightsTM

Understand your compliance performance in real-time with SureCost and automatically adhert to all of your vendor agreements. Watch our 1-minute video to see how Purchase Manager Compliance Insights will:

  • Drive 100% compliance across all of your agreements
  • Track and monitor compliance performance 
  • Maximize your pharmacy's rebates

How SureCost Purchase Manager Cuts Your Time Spent on Purchasing in Half:

Without SureCost

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Juggling multiple vendors' catalogs and websites to price shop.
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Scrambling to find the exact items to fill out-of-stocks.
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Manually calculating the unit prices for each NDC, for every vendor.
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Rushing to purchase the exact items to fill your out-of-stocks and not always getting the best price
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Missing primary vendor compliance minimums and tiers by purchasing items that don't meet requirements.
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Wasting time creating and submitting multiple purchase orders for each vendor.
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Average Daily Time Spent: 2–3 Hours.

With SureCost

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Accessing all of your vendors' pricing and catalogs in one solution.
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Easily finding items equivalents, package size, brand/generic, unit of use and dose.
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Quickly viewing unit pricing for an apples-to-apples comparison.
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Uncovering hidden savings by purchasing outside the Top 200 or from secondary vendors.
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Maximizing savings by ensuring purchasing decisions meet primary vendor and rebate tier requirements.
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Saving hours and hours of time every week with one purchase order, one click, one solution.
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Average Daily Time Spent: 1–1.5 Hours
Cut time spent on purchasing in half.

Why SureCost Purchase Manager Has Captured $13 Billion of Industry Spend Annually:

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The Smarter Purchasing Solution™ Pays for Itself (and Then Some…)

With a typical ROI of 7–30x, most pharmacies cover their annual SureCost fees within weeks to a few months. Plus, on average, customers save 2–5% on their cost of goods year over year.

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We Work with Current Systems, Not Against Them

SureCost is the only pharmacy purchasing software solution on the market that collaborates with the three largest pharmaceutical wholesalers, plus the majority of secondaries, and seamlessly integrates with most pharmacy management and accounts payable systems.

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Gain Pricing Transparency

Unlike other solutions, see all your pricing, including GPO and buying group contract prices, in one place. Costs displayed include rebates and market share rebates. Find even more savings by viewing items with vendor special prices.

Save 2–5% on Your Cost of Goods Year Over Year

  • Uncover hidden savings, such as a secondary vendor offering a lower price

  • Identify items on your purchase order that do not align with your pharmacy’s preferences and strategy

  • View items that have been automatically substituted on your order worksheet based on your pharmacy’s rules and preferences
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Avoid Overpaying: Pay Right
Every Time

  • SureCost tracks and alerts you of any discrepancies at every step of the pharmacy purchasing process, from submitting your order to receiving the items 

  • No need to cross-reference with a packing list before matching the invoices and sending them to accounting later

  • Run the "Vendor Substitutions" report to identify when a vendor has substituted an item in your received orders
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Make Smarter Decisions With 200+ Available Reports

  • Discover additional savings by purchasing outside the “Top 200”
  • Determine how much formulary non-compliance is costing your pharmacy, such as patient requests, with the “Non-Compliance” report
  • Be prepared for DSCSA audits with reports for transaction information (TI), transaction statement (TS) and transaction history (TH)
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Ditch the Terminal: Meet SureCost’s Mobile App

  • Harness your smartphone or tablet to manage purchasing and inventory
  • Ditch the terminal (and the third-party cycle counts) to manage inventory counts on the go
  • Automatically capture DSCSA-mandated data as you scan to receive your items
Learn More
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